Record 7

April 2016, Seventh consultation day

I asked for the 7th telephone consultation today.
The doctor asked if there was an improvement, but told him there was no positive change.

I really don’t know if it’s getting better.
After all, am I insensitive?

I was also asked if it would be painful to take a chelating agent.
I didn’t feel the spiciness, so I told him that there was no problem.

The supplement was prescribed minerals, NAC, alpha lipoic acid, and vitamin C.
Chelation was also prescribed because chelation therapy is ongoing.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $22 45
・Chelating agent 1 cool (6 tablets) $134 75
・Mineral 650 supplements (pure) $40 42
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $40 42
・Alpha lipoic acid supplements (pure) $40 42
・Pure Vitamin C supplements (Allergy Research Group) $26 95

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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