Record 8

May 2016, 8th consultation day

I asked for the 8th telephone consultation today.
The doctor asked if something had changed, but I don’t know.
The reaction around me became weaker, but I don’t know whether it was due to treatment or because it was getting warmer.
My “PATM” gets weaker when it gets warmer and stronger when it gets cold.

Therefore, I don’t know if the treatment is effective.
However, I hope that it will improve.

Apparently, it won’t heal easily.

The supplement was prescribed NAC, alpha lipoic acid, ultraflora IB, natural gamma, glycine.
Chelation was also prescribed because chelation therapy is ongoing.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $23 25
・Chelating agent 1 cool (6 tablets) $139 52
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $41 85
・Alpha lipoic acid supplements (pure) $41 85
・Ultra Flora IB supplements (Metagenics) $106 96
・Natural Gamma E Supplements (Allergy Research Group) $55 80
・Glycine supplements $46 50

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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