Record 45

December 2021, 45th consultation day

I told my doctor about the recent situation.

I’ve been taking “UltraInflamX” since last time, but it doesn’t improve.

The reaction around me is getting stronger, probably because of the cold or dryness.

On the train, partly due to the influence of covid-19, some people have endured a cough painfully due to the reaction around them.

Still, I can’t stand sneezing, so I hear from inside the car.

Another symptom of my PATM is nausea.

Even at work, some people feel nauseous and uncomfortable.

I stopped “Inflavonoid” because they didn’t improve, but my doctor asked me if that was the cause.

I told my doctor that it wasn’t because I stopped “Inflavonoid.”

In the winter, the reaction around me became stronger, and I told my doctor that influenza was prevalent in my workplace.

However, in recent years, due to the influence of corona, people are managing their physical condition, and the flu has disappeared.

I started “UltraInflamX” from the last time, but my doctor said that it was originally used for people with intestinal illness.

Recently, I have begun to use it for PATM patients.

Some patients take “UltraInflamX” and the response of PATM decreases when the intestinal environment is improved.

My doctor told me to continue taking “UltraInflamX”.

According to the attending physician, the causes of PATM can be broadly classified into three types.

The main factors are the intestinal environment, Candida, and heavy metals.

In each pattern, there are patients who improve by treating heavy metals, improve by eradicating Candida, and improve the intestinal environment.

Although 20 to 30% of patients do not improve their symptoms no matter what they do, the number of patients whose symptoms do not improve has been decreasing recently.

There are cases where it can be improved by increasing the amount of supplements or taking new supplements.

With past achievements, the treatment repertoire is increasing.

“Inflavonoid” are one of those supplements.

Some patients with PATM who did not improve with anything did improve with “Inflavonoid”.

I also talked with my doctor about the following.

There are about 100 patients with PATM who are examined by the attending physician.

Generally, coughing, sneezing, and nasal sneezing are common, and these are the main symptoms of PATM patients.

Also, there are PATM patients who complain of itching and allergic symptoms.

It is believed that PATM patients have substances that cause these reactions.

None of the PATM patients complain of abdominal pain or nausea.

Except for you.

From my experience, I told my doctor that some people were trying to get rid of something (substance) that was clinging to their bodies on the train.

The doctor said it didn’t matter.

The substance of PATM is invisible, and even if it clings to the body, it cannot be removed.

Some PATM patients smell.

However, most patients are odorless, the doctor said.

When it comes to PATM symptoms, it’s hard to tell what’s true, the doctor said.

On rare occasions, some patients say that they are coughing over the phone, which is completely a delusional realm.

My doctor said it was difficult to get the patient to understand it.

(I had a similar memory when I was under stress, but my doctor kept silent.)

The cause of PATM has not yet been elucidated.

However, if the treatment does not improve even after continuing the treatment, I think that we should return to the treatment that prepares the basic intestinal environment.

For future treatment, we will perform detoxification activities with Tathione Tablets and Ultra Clear, in addition to the supplement “UltraInflamX” that regulates the intestinal environment and the intestinal regulation activities with lactic acid bacteria supplements.

The next consultation will be two months later.

Medical examination fee

・Consultation $24 23
・Tathione tablets (240 tablets) $139 60
・UltraClear RENEW supplements (Metagenics) $145 42
・Doctor’s Aid supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $106 61
・Doctor’s Begin NEO supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $132 87
・UltraInflamX Plus 360°(Orange flavor) supplements (Metagenics) $118 98

・Postage $9 16

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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