Record 47

April 2022, 47th consultation day

I told my doctor about the recent situation.

I have been reviewing my eating habits since the last time, but there are no signs of improvement.

In my diet, I don’t eat McDonald’s (fast food).

We are reducing the chances of eating instant foods and frozen foods.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to reduce the number of instant foods and frozen foods to zero.

Olive oil is used as the cooking oil.

I am reviewing my eating habits, but the reaction of “PATM” has not changed.

s always, I’m worried about coughing, sneezing, and stuffy nose.

My doctor asked me about my eating habits.

You ask, “Do you usually eat a lot of carbohydrates?”

I told my doctor that I’m eating because rice (carbohydrate) is my staple food.

My doctor told me that many patients with “PATM” know that they “eat a lot of carbohydrates.”

I also told my doctor that I eat carbs, but I don’t think I’m eating a lot.

Is there a relationship between “consuming large amounts of carbohydrates” and “PATM”?

I do not know.

My diet was “I eat a lot of vegetables and have a well-balanced diet,” I told my doctor.

I told my doctor that I was eating brown rice, not white rice.

I found it difficult to eat without carbohydrates.

The doctor asked me, “Why don’t you take a new supplement?”

A supplement that transforms lipid peroxides in the body into high-quality oil.

I decided to try a new supplement.

The new supplement is “Super EPA”.

This “Super EPA” supplement is high in omega 3 oils.

As for future treatments include “Super EPA,” a supplement that improves eating habits and suppresses inflammation in the body, intestinal regulation activities that include lactic acid bacteria supplements, and detoxification activities using Tathione tablets and UltraClear.

The next consultation will be two months later.

Medical examination fee

・Telephone consultation $26 32
・Tathione tablets (240 tablets) $126 37
・UltraClear RENEW supplements × 2 (Metagenics) $263 26
・UltraInflamX Plus 360°(Orange flavor) supplements × 2 (Metagenics) $215 40
・Doctor’s Aid supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $96 50
・Doctor’s Begin NEO supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $120 27
・Super EPA supplements × 2 (Allergy Research Group) $52 65
・300 yen depreciation cost per imported supplement × 4 $9 57
・Postage $8 30

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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