Natural Gamma-E Supplements

Unfortunately, there are no detailed materials.

From previous notes, it is a product of Allergy Research Group, Inc., USA.
However, it is not currently on sale.


Natural Gamma-E contains alpha tocopherol, a balanced gamma tocopherol.
Studies suggest that gamma-tocophenol supplements alpha-tocophenol, as excess alpha-tocophenol can deplete plasma gamma-tocophenol.
Natural tocopherols are derived from soybeans.

As a dietary supplement, take Softgels 1-2 times daily with a meal, 1-2 capsules, or as directed by a health care professional.

Other materials
Gelatin, glycerin, purified water, soybean oil.

Keep in a cool, dry place, tightly capped.

Vitamin E (as High-Gamma Mixed Tocopherols and D-alph-Tocopherol) 722 mg
D-alpha-Tocopherol 400 IU
D-gamma-Tocopherol 400 mg
D-delta-Tocopherol and D-beta-Tocopherol 50 mg
Tocotrienols 4 mg

Description quoted from iHerb, Inc., USA.


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