Record 4

January 2016, fourth consultation day

I asked for the fourth telephone consultation today.
I’ve been asked if anything has changed since I took the supplement I added last time.
Unfortunately, there are no positive changes.
I don’t know if there are any changes due to supplement intake.

I may be insensitive.

January is a series of cold days.
The flu has increased around me.
I’m not good in the cold season.

The reaction around me becomes worse.

The supplement was prescribed with Miya BM tablets, alpha lipoic acid, natural gamma, ultraflora IB, zinc, glycine, NAC, and vitamin C.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $21 25
・Miya BM tablets
・Alpha lipoic acid supplements (pure) $38 25
・Natural Gamma E Supplements (Allergy Research Group) $51 01
・Ultra Flora IB supplements (Metagenics) $97 77
・Zinc supplements (pure) $12 75
・Glycine Supplements $42 50
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $38 25
・Pure Vitamin C supplements (Allergy Research Group) $25 50

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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