
What is PATM?

PATM is an abbreviation of People are Allergic To Me, and is a disease that causes allergic reactions to people around you. The current probable cause is that skin gases emitted from the skin of people with PATM may have something to do with it. Skin gas from people with PATM may be high in chemicals such as toluene and gases from the intestinal environment. It is a range that causes an allergic reaction, but recognizes the reaction within a radius of 20 m centered on me. This is the range that causes this allergic reaction, but there may be individual differences depending on PATMER. People move upwind to avoid allergic reactions, but they still react. There may be multiple substances that cause an allergic reaction. One is a substance that rides on the air flow, and the other is a substance that has nothing to do with the air flow. Therefore, it is possible that an allergic reaction may occur even if you are upwind.
PATM is deep.

What reactions do you have?

The main symptoms are consistent with those of toluene poisoning. This is an example. Allergic reactions that occur to people around you, such as runny nose, sneezing, coughing, sputum, sore throat, red eyes, and eye discomfort are considered allergic reactions to mucous membranes. Runny nose and sputum have the function of discharging dust, bacteria, etc. that have tried to enter the body. This means that Patmer may be releasing some substances, including toluene. Cold-like symptoms due to fever.In some cases, you may reach pneumonia or asthma. Some people complain of sweating, a burning sensation, and chills. Dullness (sleepy), stiff shoulders, back pain, joint pain.
It complains of hives and itchy skin. On rare occasions, I have seen some people suddenly collapse.
Other reactions include messing with your hair, making gestures to get rid of something from your body, restlessness, and worrying about your surroundings. Some people complain of nausea and abdominal pain (diarrhea). It is not common sense to think that such a disease exists. However, people around me are allergic. If you actually become a PATM, you will find that it is real.

Excessive self-consciousness?

Before I realized that I was a PATM, I knew about this disease. I decided to look at the bulletin board.
When I read the contents a little, honestly, I thought that the person who is writing has a problem in the mind. It describes strange things in everyday life. I think that it is unlikely that people around me will develop allergic reactions just because there are people suffering from PATM. And I noticed that I was also a PATM. It is a fact that PATM exists. And looking back on my life after becoming a PATM, I was able to understand and understand the various mysterious events of the past. Maybe that’s all due to “PATM”.

Is medical treatment possible?

It is not necessary to give up life even if PATM develops. Currently, there are doctors who treat PATM in Japan. To date, more than 1,000 people have been examined and have a track record of recovery. It is recommended that you receive treatment. It is for you and do not waste the limited life time given to you. Also, remember that you are at the center of the PATM. In other words, it is the hardest of its own mind and body. It will do a lot of damage to people around you, so your heart and body at the center of it will do more damage. Not a few, I think it also affects life. Currently, I am also treating PATM, but I am looking forward to the day when it will heal completely.

P.S. In November 2020, treatment was resumed.


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