Liver Maria S supplements

< How to use Liver Maria S >

2 tablets per day
1 tablet each for morning and evening

Take as directed by your doctor
Contents: 90 tablets

Standard composition of 2 tablets
Thistle extract 300 mg
Silymarin (total flavanolignans) 225mg
(90 mg as silybin)
DNA (salmon Shirako nucleic acid) 100mg
Ferulic acid 22 mg
Succinic acid 6 mg
Turmeric powder 32 mg

・Silymarin, ferulic acid, and turmeric, which are essential for antioxidation of active oxygen generated in detoxification phase I (*), are added.

・In addition to detox, DNA is blended as a material for various metabolic nucleic acids and a coenzyme essential for metabolism.

*The step of converting harmful substances (mainly fat-soluble) into water-soluble intermediate metabolites.
Elimination of active oxygen by antioxidant components is essential.

Quotation from Konishi integrated medicine internal medicine


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