Oral heavy metal elimination (chelation) treatment

< Oral heavy metal removal (chelation) treatment method >

For patients who can receive oral heavy metal elimination (chelation) treatment

This treatment is a fundamental treatment that enhances self-healing power by taking supplements that work to eliminate heavy metals accumulated in the body.
Please read the following precautions carefully before using the product.

In chelation therapy, large amounts of heavy metals may be excreted from the body. The concentration of heavy metals in the blood temporarily increases, and various symptoms may occur.
Please pay attention to the following points to avoid such side effects as much as possible.
・The treatment consists of one set (one treatment unit) of 4-6 tablets taken internally. Usually, 5-10 sets of treatments are performed. The duration of treatment for each set is 4 to 6 weeks. The dosage and duration of treatment will be determined by the attending physician according to the patient’s general condition. The effectiveness of the treatment will be judged based on the degree of improvement in symptoms and the results of the urinary excretion test.
・Stop taking the chelating agent if symptoms such as poor physical condition or abnormal bowel movements appear after taking the chelating agent. Basically, you can resume taking this medicine when your symptoms improve, but if you are unsure, do not make a self-judgment and consult your doctor.
・Please consult with your doctor for a specific schedule.
・Do not take if you may be pregnant.
・By repeating chelation therapy, the accumulation of heavy metals in the body decreases, so these symptoms gradually disappear. Please do not stop at self-judgment in the middle of treatment, and proceed with treatment while consulting.
・By chelation, essential minerals required by the body are also excreted as urine. Multiminerals should be taken during the chelation period to prevent depletion of essential minerals in the body.

How to take
16th, 17th set
Take 1 tablet twice daily for 3 weeks after meals.
1 week drug holiday
A total of 12 tablets are taken orally over 8 weeks.

Quotation from Konishi integrated medicine internal medicine


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