Privacy Policy

About advertisement delivery

This site uses the advertising service “Google AdSense” provided by a third party.
Advertisement distributors may use cookies to display advertisements according to their interests.
See “Advertising-Policies & Terms-Google” for more information on setting cookies to be disabled and Google AdSense.

About access analysis tools

This site uses Google’s access analysis tool “Google Analytics”.
This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable. This function can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check the settings of your browser. Click here for more information about this agreement.

About comments on this site

This site records the IP address used for comments as a response to spam and vandalism.
This is a standard function supported by blogs, and we will not use this IP address other than to respond to spam and vandalism. Also, the input of email address and URL is optional. Please note that all comments will be posted after the administrator has confirmed and approved the contents in advance. In addition, comments including the contents listed in the following items may not be approved and may be deleted at the discretion of the administrator.

・Those who slander or slander specific natural persons or corporations.
・Those containing extremely obscene content.
・Items prohibited by law, such as transactions related to prohibited items, requests for acts that do harm to others, requests for actions, and mediation.
・Others that are against public order and morals, or that are deemed not to be approved by the administrator.


The copyrights and portrait rights of the images on this site belong to their respective owners. It is not intended to infringe the right. If you have any problems with the content of the article or images, please contact the right holder directly by e-mail. After confirmation, we will correspond.

If you move from this site to another site by link or banner, we will not be responsible for the information, services, etc. provided on the destination site.

Regarding the contents and information of this site, we try to post as accurate information as possible, but there is a possibility that incorrect information may get in and the information may be outdated.

Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the contents posted on this site.


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