Record 10

July 2016, 10th consultation day

I asked for the 10th telephone consultation today.
The doctor asked if there was a change.
I don’t know if it’s getting better.
People around me have coughs, sneezes, and runny nose.
After all, it’s not getting better.

“PATM” stimulates the mucous membrane.
It especially affects the eyes, nose and throat.

My “PATM” has other effects besides stimulating the mucous membranes.
It may cause drowsiness and fatigue to those around you.

Is it a special “PATM”?
The mystery just deepens.

The supplement was prescribed NAC, Ultra Flora IB, Vitamin C, Phyto Multi.
Chelation was also prescribed because chelation therapy is ongoing.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $23 62
・Chelating agent 1 cool (6 tablets) $141 77
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $42 53
・Ultra Flora IB supplements (Metagenics) $108 69
・Pure Vitamin C supplements (Allergy Research Group) $28 35
・PhytoMulti supplements (Metagenics) $56 71

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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