Record 11

August 2016, 11th consultation day

I asked for your eleventh consultation today.
The doctor was asked if there was any change.
There is no big change this time.
When it gets warmer, the reaction weakens.
I think this is certain.

The reaction of the surrounding people is weak, but there are people who react.
A person who reacts even when it gets warm, a person who is weak.
People who are sick, lack of sleep, and exhausted.
These people are the ones who respond strongly to “PATM”.

When these people are nearby, it is mentally painful.

The supplements were prescribed Probioplex, NAC, Phyto Multi, and Glycine.
The newly added supplement, Probioplex, is effective in controlling Candida.
Urinary excretion Examine heavy metals.
The inspection result is next time.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $25 03
・D.D Urinary heavy metal excretion test Chelating agent 20500 1 tablet $180 23
・Probioplex Intensive Care supplements (Metagenics) $60 07
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $45 05
・PhytoMulti supplements (Metagenics) $60 07
・Glycine supplements $50 06

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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