Record 17

April 2017, 17th consultation day

I asked for your 17th consultation today.
As always, my doctor asked me if there was any change.
Unfortunately, there are no positive changes.

The effect does not appear even if the treatment is continued.
Actually, it may be effective.
Am I insensitive?
I do not understand.
It’s a very difficult situation.

I decided to add a new supplement.

I hope the situation will change.

The supplement was prescribed SpectraZyme, PhytoMulti, Vitamin C, Glycine, Probioplex, NAC.
Urinary excretion Examine heavy metals.
The inspection result is next time.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $27
・D.D Urinary heavy metal excretion test (including DMSA 500 mg) 1 tablet $216 06
・Chelating agent 1 cool (6 tablets) $135 03
・SpectraZyme supplements (Metagenics) $88 22
・PhytoMulti supplements (Metagenics) $54 01
・Pure Vitamin C supplements (Allergy Research Group) $27
・Glycine supplements $45 01
・Probioplex Intensive Care supplements (Metagenics) $54 01
・NAC supplements (Allergy Research Group) $40 51
・Shipping cost of inspection result $7 77

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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