Record 48

June 2022, 48th consultation day

I told my doctor about the recent situation.

I have been taking a new supplement “Super EPA” since last time, but the symptoms have not changed.

I am still bothered by people around me coughing and sneezing.

Since last fall, I have also told my doctor that when I wake up in the morning and gargle, there is blood in my mouth.

I wake up in the morning with a sore throat and I think it’s bleeding from the mucous membrane of my throat.

Perhaps my “PATM” is gradually getting stronger.

Because when I wake up in the morning and gargle, I’ve never had blood in my mouth.

Will my “PATM” continue to grow stronger?

Is the “PATM” treatment I am currently receiving meaningless?

Can “PATM” be cured even with treatment?

I also told my doctor about the mask.

I wear a mask like everyone else.

However, the nose cannot be covered with a mask.

This is because your exhalation causes the same “PATM” symptoms as those around you.

I also have a sore throat, cough and runny nose.

I think that the causative substance of “PATM” is coming out of my breath.

My doctor told me that the results of the organic acid test in 2020 detected fungi above the standard value.

Last time, I used terbinafine to eradicate the bacteria for 3 months, but I decided to start treatment to remove the fungus again.

This time, we will remove the fungus, but at that time, we will take supplements that neutralize the fungal biofilm.

Eliminating fungi will be “ARGENTYN 23” and the supplement will be “Biofilm Neutralizer”.

In addition, the detoxification supplement “UltraClear”, which started in February 2021, has ended.

Future treatments will include sterilization with “ARGENTYN 23” and “Biofilm Neutralizer”, improvement of diet, natural healing power, intestinal regulation, and detoxification.

The next consultation will be a months later.

Medical examination fee

・Telephone consultation $24 45
・ARGENTYN 23 supplements (Natural Immunogenics Corporation (NIC)) $31 37 yen depreciation applied
・Biofilm Neutralizer supplements (Allergy Research Group) $44 82 yen depreciation applied
・Tathione tablets (120 tablets) $58 68
・UltraInflamX Plus 360°(Orange flavor) supplements (Metagenics) $100
・Doctor’s Aid supplements (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $44 81
・Doctor’s Begin NEO supplements (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $55 85
・Super EPA supplements × 2 (Allergy Research Group) $53 79 yen depreciation applied
・Postage $7 70

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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