Record 49

August 2022, 49th consultation day

I told my doctor about my recent situation.

From the last time, I started sterilization with the supplement “ARGENTYN 23” and “Biofilm Neutralizer”, but the symptoms did not change.

People around me are having allergic reactions as usual.

I was told by my doctor that I had done everything I could to eradicate the bacteria.

No further sterilization is possible.

Treatment with antibacterial supplements “ARGENTYN 23” and “Biofilm Neutralizer” is over.

Temporarily stop taking the supplement “UltraInflamX Plus 360°” that you are currently taking.

See if stopping taking supplements makes people around you react more strongly.

Since there is no improvement in your “PATM” symptoms, we will conduct various tests.

By doing an inspection, I will try to confirm it by numerical values.

I’m going to do a heavy metal test.

As for the organic acid test, I was sterilizing until recently, so I will test it after a while.

I asked my doctor about a patient being treated for “PATM”.

You are an early patient and the last patient to be treated with “PATM” for the past 7 years.

60-70% of patients who were on treatment for “PATM” 7 years ago had some improvement in their symptoms and are now off treatment.

Currently, 70-80% of “PATM” patients undergoing treatment have some improvement in their “PATM” symptoms.

The remaining 20% ​​of patients do not feel any benefit from treatment with “PATM”.

I am an early patient and the last patient…

That’s the end of the doctor’s story.

After all, even if you receive treatment for “PATM”, it seems difficult to cure “PATM” 100%.

However, it is also true that 70% of “PATM” patients show improvement in their symptoms.

The next consultation will be in 6 weeks.

Medical examination fee

・Telephone consultation $23 82
・D.D Urinary heavy metal excretion test (including DMSA 500 mg) 1 tablet $254 10
・Tathione tablets (180 tablets) $85 75
・Result shipping $3 61
・Doctor’s Aid supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $87 32
・Doctor’s Begin NEO supplements × 2 (Healthy Aging Co., Ltd.) $108 83
・Super EPA supplements × 3 (Allergy Research Group) $78 61 Yen depreciation applied
・Postage $7 50

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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