Record 1

October 2015 First consultation day

I got information on the internet that there are doctors who can see the PATM, and I booked a telephone consultation the other day.

On the day, I told the doctor the symptoms that would appear to the people around me by telephone consultation.

The doctor seemed to understand PATM and listened carefully.

You cannot talk to anyone about this story.

I was able to relax by talking with the doctor.

And that was the day the long battle with PATM began.

・Organic acid urine test
・Environmental Pollutant Inspection
・Urinary heavy metal excretion test

I took 3 types of exams and decided to know the current situation.

The supplement was prescribed NAC.

Medical costs

・Telephone consultation $41 76
・Organic Acids test $267 26
・FEDEX shipping $33 40
・Environmental pollutant inspection $208 80
・D.D Urinary heavy metal excretion test Chelating agent 20500 1 tablet $150 33
・NAC supplements $40 59
・Resulting postage $$4 17

Medical costs are shown in US dollars.


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  1. Horia says:

    Im a medical student and dealing with this makes things very complicated from study to going university and hospital.I think causes for liver blocked function can be:leaky gut,mold,sibo,sifo,candida.There might be a gene defect too,a heterozygote one and the first factors activates the gene.Most of the time there seems to be a relation liver-gut.candida,sibo with leaky gut can overload the liver or toxins can affect it.

    • Horia says:

      For the patm with excess of toluene,look for improving metilation.B complex metilated,glutation,green diet etc.It also depends on underlying cause(primary cause).Another study in TMAU found that rats with massive leaky gut had an increased tma and developed heart problems.Liver may be overloaded or suprresed by some toxins,or other factos,vitamin defficiency can affect too and maybe more others.

      • Lonely Patmer says:

        Are you a medical student, I see.
        Horia believes there are six causes, including genetic defects.
        Horia believes these factors can overload the liver or be inhibited by factors such as toxins.
        I understand your point of view, thank you.
        I hope that the elucidation of PATM and the establishment of treatment methods will continue in the future.
        Thank you, horia.

  2. Horia says:

    Hi!I think it might be related to mold.Im a patmer too ive done tests for candida they are negative still waiting organic acid and micotoxin test.Ive done a test for antibodies igG for mold,the aspergillum was possitive.Antibodies iGA igG igM for candida and antigen were negative.Ive also done a microbiom map and i might have sibo and leaky gut.Im waiting for a micotoxin panel now and the organic acid.I see many are mold related.

    • Lonely Patmer says:

      Hi horia
      Thank you for visiting my blog.
      Thank you for the useful information about mold.
      Although the symptoms of PATM are similar, the causes are different for each person.
      I hope Horia’s symptoms improve.
      Sorry, I don’t use SNS.
      BLOG only.

      • Horia says:

        I have all test results.

        • Horia says:

          The site does not allow me to post the message i want to write.I think its too big

          • Lonely Patmer says:

            Hi horia
            Comments have a character limit.
            Long text will be returned with error 404.
            Sorry to trouble you, but please divide and comment.

          • Horia says:

            I have all test results.The micotoxin results were pretty normal tho some were not 0,for Organic acid test,the test said i have a pretty bad mitocondria function,glucaric acid was low that shows citomecrome p450 activiti.The biggest hint is the metilation index which is very low 0.25 range being 1.5-4 and low fatty acid oxidation.

          • Horia says:

            Carbalilic acid was 113 value max range being 150,so it was normal,but comparing it to another person i saw that person had <50,so it was higher than average normal person.I read the Sekine profesor doctor research about patm published this year july 2023 i think this is link .

          • Horia says:

            He measured gasses in 70 people and he said typical patm patient has high toluene.He said that toluene absorbed from enviroment is converted by liver by p450 citocromes from liver mitocondria into phenol/benzoic alcohol.This is first part of metilation.My test results from OAT indicate a bad metilation and if im looking at the study.I think patm is because of liver dysfunction.I had normal liver before,so idk what affected my liver.

          • Horia says:

            I think liver is a secondary affection,so there is a primary cause.But improving the metilation should help.I think the primary cause can be different from candida,sibo,sifo,leaky gut,mold exposure to enviromental heavy metal intoxication,maybe others too.But as far as i can see patm is caused by the bad metilation.The microbiome test i took showed i have high ecoli 5.0 max range is <0.3,so i have very HIGH ecoli

          • Horia says:

            .Several signs were indicated in the microbiom test,non alcolic fatty liver,sibo,leaky gut and histamine intolerance.I see treating this in 2 ways: either address metilation liver problem or fix the primary cause then the liver will auto heal itself if eliminating the first cause.MTHFR gene which is implicated in metilation can be a problem too,im thinking at testing it.

          • Lonely Patmer says:

            Hi horia
            Thanks for some comments.
            Thank you for providing valuable information.
            Horia questions the liver’s ability to detoxify.
            What is it that causes the detoxification function of the liver to decline?
            Is the cause different for each person?
            If you’re as diligent as horia, you’ll find the answer someday.
            But don’t forget to enjoy life too.
            Thank you, horia.

  3. Tony Stark says:

    I am amazed with how many things you tried to get rid of PATM. I am sorry you have gone through such a long process without any good results. I am a sufferer from last 3 years. I read all your records. Your doctor said, “some of the patients were able to recover.” I was curious what procedure they followed exactly? May be the procedure work for some individuals?

    • Lonely Patmer says:

      Hi tony
      Thank you for visiting my blog.
      It’s my primary care doctor’s treatment.
      First is the test.
      Conducted environmental pollutant test, candida organic acid test, and urinary heavy metal test.
      Next, we will investigate the relationship between the intestinal environment, which is the main factor, and Candida and heavy metals.
      Start treatment according to your doctor’s judgment.
      The order of treatment depends on the patient’s condition.
      However, the most important point is the intestinal environment.
      If recovery is not seen after a series of treatments, we will return to treating the intestinal environment.
      See record 45 for more details.
      I hope Tony’s symptoms improve.

      • Tony Stark says:

        Thanks for response.
        I noticed that while you were in treatment you did not followed any diet. You continued to eat junk. Have you tried low carb, no sugar diet during your candida treatment? I believe that PATM is a gas being released from a pathogen possibly Candida. Fluconazole is the strong antifungal.
        It is nice to here that some people were able to cure it in Japan. Here in US, I do not know if there are any doctor who treats it.
        I also believe that PATM has to do with gut. It possibly malfunction in metabolism or due to pathogen.

      • Tony Stark says:

        I have done many experiments and observations on my PATM. I have presented it as the following bullet points.

        1. It is a for sure gas being emitted from body. It is emitted mainly from mouth/ nose, flatulence, and skin.

        2. It is produced in the gut because of either pathogens or body’s metabolism malfunction.

        3. Some of the produced gas goes out from flatulence and burp but the majority of gas gets absorbed by intestine and goes to the blood. The blood brings some of the gas to the lungs to expel and some goes to skin surface and emitted.
        The gas expelled from skin gets absorbed into the clothes too. This explains why showering and changing clothes reduce reactions.
        Some of the gas is expelled through mouth/lungs. This explains occasional chest pain.

        4. The constant weird taste in mouth is because you are continuously expelling the gas from mouth/nose. The white spit is because the gas mixes with saliva.

        5. The watery eyes, headache, mucus in throat is all because of the gas.

        • Lonely Patmer says:

          Thank you for providing valuable information.
          As for skin gases, I think it has something to do with PATM.
          There were no dietary restrictions during Candida eradication.
          Please do some research on toluene poisoning.

          Skin Gas Survey Document (PATM)

        • Tony Stark says:

          PATM has similar symptoms as exposure to VOC(volatile organic compounds) like Toluene.
          I believe it comes out of skin as well as mouth/nose.

          I have some questions:
          1. Is the research in Japan still going on?
          2. How common is PATM in Japan?
          3. How did your PATM begin?
          4. Have you met a PATM cured patient?(Are there still some reactions)
          5. Is there any food that makes your PATM worse?

        • Tony Stark says:

          My suggestion to you:

          -Next time you follow a treatment, combine it with diet and see if anything changes. My PATM gets worse when I eat a lot of sugar.

          -Also do exercise and sleep well.

          • Lonely Patmer says:

            1. Tokai University Professor Yoshika Sekine’s research has ended in 2021.
            2. It’s been featured on TV shows a few times in the past, but it’s not common.
            3. There have been changes since I was in elementary school.
            4. I have never met a cured person.
            5. Inflammation in the body is also a possible cause of PATM, my doctor said. Fast food (hamburgers), instant food, frozen food, convenience store bento.

            Thanks for the advice.
            I will refer to it.
            Eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising.
            You are studying well.

          • Tony Stark says:

            Hi, I am just following up.
            1. What is the update/progress in your treatment?
            2. Do your reports show candida overgrowth?
            3. Have you tried a low-carb, no-sugar diet yet?
            4. Are you aware of the website PATM forum?
            5. Some claim that they did low carb and no sugar, avoided junk, and were able to totally eliminate reactions. I too feel that reducing carbs helps.
            6. Have you tried to find any other doctor that treats PATM in Japan?
            Recommendation: Try low carb, no-sugar diet, and candida elimination medicine to see if you observe any difference. This is important because candida eat sugar and carb to survive.

          • Lonely Patmer says:

            1. You are undergoing chelation therapy to remove mercury.
            2. In past organic acid tests, candida levels have been high.
            3. I’m not on a carb-free, sugar-free diet.
            4. I didn’t know, let me refer to it.
            5. Avoiding junk food is possible, but carb-free and sugar-free is difficult.
            6. There are other doctors in Japan who treat PATM, but I haven’t looked for them.
            Thanks for the advice.
            I will refer to it.
            If there is something I can do, I will try.

  4. Sergio says:

    You still alive?

    • Lonely Patmer says:

      Thank you for visiting our blog.
      No problem, I’m alive.
      The article will be updated soon.