Terbinafine medicine

< How to take Terbinafine tablets 125 mg >
1 tablet daily (after meal)
30 days

It is known that intestinal candidiasis is associated with various symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depressive symptoms, headache, anxiety and panic attacks, and atopy.
This drug suppresses fungal growth and exhibits antifungal activity by interfering with the synthesis of cell membrane components of Candida.

Candida becomes refractory to treatment (called “resistance”) if you take the same antifungal drug for a long time, so you need to change the type from time to time.
Changing to terbinafine has the meaning of preventing resistance to antifungal agents.

* If you have any of the following, please be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist before using.
・ I have had allergic symptoms such as itching and rash after using the medicine before.
・ You may be pregnant or breastfeeding.
・ I’m using other medicines.
(Be careful including other general chemicals and foods in use as they may strengthen or weaken each other’s actions.)

Quotation from Konishi integrated medicine internal medicine


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